An inflated Ego comes from a place of very deep insecurities.
We all have Ego…it is a barometer of our self worth.

We all go through stages where our Ego gets wounded…we can go in and out of those stages throughout our life…it is a normal human condition.

But some people live in Ego…it is their permanent residence…mostly because of some extreme past hurt… childhood or otherwise.
These people make very difficult partners.
They come across as very put together…but inside they are fragile…emotionally juvenile…and broken.
They have a hairline trigger as their defense mechanism.
They are also bad communicators for the same reason.
It shows up pretty quickly specially in an intimate relationship.
Pay attention…it is a red flag… to a very painful existence.

Even daily mundane interactions are taken as another massive assault to their Ego.
There is NO helping them see this…because their Ego will take the help as an assault as well.

Their behaviors have a way of triggering our own Ego.
It has a ping pong mirroring effect.
Check and balance your own Ego when you find it being triggered by acknowledging it.

Ego is pretty powerful and will do EVERYTHING to protect itself…with reckless abandon.

Balancing an inflated Ego is possible….but highly unlikely unless there is a HUGE life altering event to trigger this change…but it’s mostly self indulgent.

Though very painful and very hard to do…learn to NOT TAKE THIS PERSONALLY…their hairline triggers have more to do with their own wounded Ego than anything you said or did.

We are ONLY responsible for our own behaviors and responses.

And…remember…they are not inherently bad people…they are like wounded animals…they react from a place of fear…they WILL bite.

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