When you first meet some one and they seem so easy and non interfering…you think…WOW…this person is so laid back.
2 months later you find out laid back is actually emotionally lazy and negligent…non interfering is actually uncaring…and easy means they will easily take from you and offer breadcrumbs in return.

When you meet someone who is very childish and silly…you think WOW…he’s so much fun…but you find out that childish also defines how they deal with real life issues…they have no emotional maturity or integrity.

When you meet someone who seems so cool and nonchalant and kinda mysterious…2 months later you find out that mysterious is secretive and unforthcoming…nonchalant is apathetic…and so cool is self absorbed.

Their apathetic disposition towards the partner will make the partner work twice as hard to create more interest from the other.
THAT is their strategy.

They make lazy partners and will get away with absolutely NO EFFORT in the relationship.
They will be fickle minded, wishy-washy, inconsiderate, self centered, toggle in and out at their own convenience and drain the life force and energy source out of multiple people at a time with their toxicity…all for their own self serving benefit.

They have commitment issues, are avoidant, indecisive and always believed the grass is greener on the other side…even though they have nothing of value to bring into a partnership.
They are self indulgent and self absorbed.

These are the characteristics of an inconsistent toxic partner.

Inconsistent toxic partners are very obvious…within a couple of months you will recognize this pattern.
DO NOT ignore this red flag.
DO NOT make excuses for their bad behaviors.
DO NOT accommodate their excuses for their indecisiveness and toxic behaviors…and there will be many…mostly pointing out that it’s your fault.

People’s character should be judged by their actions not by their words.
An inconsistent toxic partner’s actions never match their words.

You get to determine if someone is a waste of your precious time.
Toxic partners are a waste of your precious time.

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