Jezebel was a Phoenician royal whose identity and name have come to signify a power-hungry, violent, and whorish woman.
The Male Jezebel is a fictitious name for the same kind of spirit. He cunningly hides behind a warm visage of virtuousness but he will end up using and disposing of his prey with his intricate tools of charm and deception.

Spirit of fear, hate, jealousy, envy, conflict, guilt, blame, shame, addictions…
Spirit of Narcissism…
Spirit of hoarding…things and people…
Spirit of lust…Jezebel…aka the spirit of succubus and incubus…etc
We ALL have bits and pieces of one or more of these inside of us…because we are human…and because we have ALL experienced things.
This is not woo woo stuff…
This is just a consequence of cumulative experiences that embeds itself into our subconscious through our trauma wounds.
The bigger the wounds the easier the access the harder it is to heal.
Like pouring crap into a big hole…it’s easier than a small hole.
The extent of how these manipulates and controls us in  our lives depends on the size of the trauma experienced.
For example…People who have been molested, raped, sexually abused by incestuous family members etc…have a very large entry wound that stays unhealed through their life and may perpetuate in different ways.
That’s the reason why most child molesters were most likely molested as children themselves.
What we don’t heal perpetuates in us…as the giver or the recipient.
Hurt people hurt people is a REAL phenomenon.
When you don’t heal…your wound will be used as a weapon to make others feel as bad as you feel…because you are easily triggered when someone touches it…ouchie!!
THAT’S plain logic.
Plus some of those ‘spirits’ provides us with a great deal of temporary satisfaction…joy…pleasure…satiety…as a ‘reward’ to continue indulging.
Most Narcissists use the Spirit of Jezebel to entrap their victims because entrapping someone through lustful energy is the easiest…it targets the primordial need to feel loved by another…and then they go to town with unloading all their other wounds onto you.
Lust can very easily be confused with love.
The Spirit of Narcissism has some combination of ALL those spirits compiled into one person so the chances of healing that wound in one’s lifetime is very minuscule.
It takes a lot of conscious effort and a narcissist has almost no spirit of healing within them.
NOT making a desired change takes absolutely no effort…it’s the easy way out…a Narcissists specialty…ignoring and running from reality.
So be realistic if a Narcissist claims that they have ‘changed’…
***A stretched rubber band snaps back to it’s original proportion once the tension is released***
When a person knows the difference between right and wrong and still chooses to chose wrong…THAT’S a dangerous person…with a shaky integrity threshold.
***The temptation of the temporary pleasure is far more overpowering than the guaranteed fatalistic endings***
Ask any hard-core drug addict or any addict for that matter.
Narcissists are addicted to a constant supply of adoration…even a fatalistic ending won’t change that…it’s irrelevant…YOU are irrelevant.

The good news…
We also gather good ‘spirits’ good consequences throughout our lifetime through our experiences…
Spirit of grace, love, generosity, healing, empathy, forgiveness, compassion, charity, patience etc.
They too have the capacity to embed itself in our subconscious and thrive inside us.

Watch this short series OBSESSION on Netflix…
It will show you exactly how the Spirit of Jezebel is almost impossible to heal because it is so very pleasurable…regardless of intent…or the fatalistic outcome.

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