NO ONE can take that away from you.

Don’t allow your experiences to define you or take away your power or your worth.

Not realizing there were people around me who would take advantage of my kindness…
I compromised myself.
I allowed someone to rattle my stability.

I felt ‘victimized’ and ‘traumatized’ when I realized the situation and the kind of person I had exposed myself to…but I changed that very quickly.
I do not define myself by that.
I do not define myself as a victim.
I have a Warrior Spirit.
I had to take responsibility of my own life.
I had allowed someone else to get in the driver’s seat of MY car and he was driving me off a cliff.

We may come across many damaging toxic people in our lifetime.
It is OUR responsibility to protect ourselves from such people.
I was NOT forced to stay in that situation…I did it for my own reasons…and THAT is what I had to take a long hard look at in my recovery process.
A rude awakening!!!

I do not have the option to live in denial of the abuse…because I have to deal with the repercussions of it.
It was a struggle to get myself out of the fog and see things clearly.

How people treat you is a direct reflection of how they feel towards themselves…it has NOTHING to do with you.
The cataracts are now off my eyes.

I now have non negotiables.
I now have very firm uncrossable boundaries.
I now see red flags very clearly.

I thought I could differentiate between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ people.
I had no idea what to do with a Manipulator.
Good or bad is not in question.
Manipulative people harm other people to satisfy their own needs.

I had absolutely NO idea what a red flag was before him.
I lucked out…he wore a neon green hat full of red flags…that I chose to ignore.

The upside…I can now identify ALL of them…20/20

What I allowed into my life was what I allowed for myself.
Tough lesson to learn!!!
The Universe pushed me into the driver’s seat of MY own car.
Every thing I experienced did not happen to me…it happened FOR me.

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