Anyone can get Emotionally abused.
People don’t get emotionally abused because they are not strong…they get emotionally abused because the abusive person is weak and can only accomplish things through manipulation.
It’s hard to stop giving people the benefit of the doubt when that is what you are used to doing…it’s hard to not trust people…when that is what you are used to doing.
That’s the whole problem…YOU blindly placed your trust in hands of a person that you should not trust.
YOU did not pay attention to the red flags.
If you are confused and don’t understand their behaviors…good…you are not supposed to…you are not dealing with a person with the same mind set as yours.
You will NEVER be able to think like they do.
Thank the Heavens!
Remember…You don’t EVER have to ‘protect’ yourself in a relationship.
If you feel you do…you need to remove yourself from the situation.

A positive reassurance to my Co-survivors in recovery.

*** If you can survive their Hell…you are strong enough to survive the recovery process…as daunting, painful and as arduously slow of a journey as it is ***
YOU survive and thrive BECAUSE you are strong.

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