June 1st
Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day.
A Narcissist should come with a Warning Label…like a Heat Missile.                                              ☆Will Seek and Destroy☆
       Or fizzle out trying…
           ~Paula Pearl~

One Billion of the World’s population are afflicted with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

A Narcissistic Abuser is a nasty wake up call from blissful ignorance…a tough lesson to learn in the cruelest of ways.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a text book disorder.
Their abuse cycles and tactics are universal…they ALL have the same patterns…once you recognize that…there is no mistaking them for just being some garden variety jerk…they are not that.

It is shocking when you realize you have just been through the same exact abuse experience as 1000s and 1000s of other survivors.
Starting with the very distinct scam of engaging you in the beginning…to all the cruelty in between…untill they leave…also in a very brutally cruel manner… ALL text book Narcissistic abuse patterns.

Narcissists are Disordered creatures who have specific manipulation tactics as well as behavioral traits that make them unhealthy relationship partners…they use, abuse, lie, cheat, triangulate  and much more.
They will proclaim their ‘love’ very quickly just to keep you hooked…and then pretend the abuse never happened…with cruel and  manipulative mind games.

A Narcissists abuses its target in repetitive cycles…when it needs to go out to prowl for ‘supply’…it is a sick compulsion.
They process ‘supply’ into self-worth…they have no ability to create or sustain their own self- worth…they must rely on other people to give this to them…it’s essential to their survival.

They repeat the ‘chase stage’ over and over and over with different targets because they do not know how to have a relationship with the one they do have.
Narcissists are the definition of Insanity.

It targets you because of your good qualities…which it lacks…it will then torment you and drain you with its abuse…then move on for more supply to another target…like a parasite…then recycle you over and over.
You can’t protect yourself from something you didn’t even know existed.
It will use you, disrespect you, violate and betray your trust and  goodness on EVERY level.

This type of psychological abuse is cruel, insidious  and dangerous to your health…a slow drip of cruelty and breadcrumbs, intermittently served, to fuck with your mind.

Verbal, emotional and psychological abuse leaves no visible scars…it is the worse kind of abuse…just horrendous memories etched in one’s mind.

Narcissists have NO shame, remorse, empathy, conscience, loyalty…or respect for women…that’s why they are capable of horrific cruelty.

Narcissists are the ultimate hypocrites, immoral and untrustworthy…they are actors with an agenda.
Nothing of what you see is real. They have multiple personas to suit different situations and people…it’s mind blowing and frightening to see them slip from one into another.
It’s as close as you will come to  Evil here on earth.

They have the emotional maturity and integrity of an angry toddler but inflict harm like an adult…and that makes them very dangerous, cruel and uncontrolled.

Life with a Narcissistic Abuser is nothing short of living in a nightmare of Mental Gymnastics.
They are master baiters and manipulators.

They present a false charming child like self to the world and their TRUE rotten self is ONLY exposed to their target after a certain amount of investment has already been placed in the relationshit.
They then begin demeaning, devaluing, discarding and hurting their target…in repetitive cycles.
They erode boundaries very very slowly…Starting very early on with the Doo Doo test to see how much abuse will be tolerated.
It is downhill from then on.
You are now in the spin cycle of Narcissistic Hell.

They are able to deny the abuse by gaslighting(bullshitting).
They will deflect and project to make everything ‘your fault’…to distort reality…to themselves, to the fan club and to present a false image to the world.
The fan club will NEVER get to see the explosive rage and abuse in public or believe it even exists.
They count on your humiliation to silence you…and will deny ANY accountability.

A Narcissist will physically assault you and tell you…YOU have no boundaries.

It will intimidate you by yelling and raging…then tell you they will never apologize…because it’s your fault that they have an explosive temper.

It will make cruel sexually demeaning  comments and laugh…while you cry.

If a Narcissist gets caught sexting or cheating and lying they will tell you…’Great…You have now ruined the relationship’.


Sounds familiar?…they ALL use the same techniques and language.

Narcissists are vindictive…they can dish it…but can’t take it… they are Cowards.
It will try to take away your livelihood…it will try to restrict your freedom.
It will do just about ANYTHING  and EVERYTHING to protect its fake public facade.
It cannot handle the truth of its true dysfunctional toxic self.
It cannot handle being exposed.
It will spin the truth to make themselves look like the victim seeking pity and alliances…more supply from its ever adoring… ever duped fan club.

A reasonable mind is unable to register, explain or process such type of abuse untill you live it… step out of it…and Google the very distinct abuse patterns and realize you are in the Spin cycle of  Narcissistic Hell… again…and again and again.

BIGGEST Red flag of all that you should NEVER ignore.
There are an inordinate number of ‘crazy’ people in their past.
Narcissists seem to date only ‘crazy’ women.
It will tell you ALL their exes are ‘crazy’…. but talk about them compulsively and repetitively and bad mouth them constantly.
It’s only a matter of time before you get crowned the next reigning ‘crazy’ ex.
‘I’m crazy about her’ inevitably changes to ‘she’s crazy’… when you catch on to their miserable game…they then easily move on to another ‘crazy’ who will better appreciate their horseshit.

It’s logically impossible to go from being abusive in one relationship to dating as a ‘healthy’ individual the next week.
Impossible and dangerous!!!
Narcissists don’t think their disorder is a sickness…they think it’s a strength.

These creatures will rarely be held accountable for its actions…their  disorder is based on denial…that’s how it survives amongst humans.

Unfortunately the Survivors don’t have the option of denial.

Ever hear an abuser admit to abuse???
Serious cock blocker!!!

They swoop in and target women who are recently divorced or broken up, or have a history of sexual abuse…a death in the family, also makes a woman an ideal target.
All easy prey…sitting ducks…the more vulnerable the better.
Predatory Dating Con Artists.
Watch out for them on Dating sites…it’s their playground.

The problem to them is not their lying, cheating and abuse…the problem is that you started to notice all of those things…and you started to have reasonable reactions to them putting you in unreasonable situations.

They are Pathological Liars, Deluded and Paranoid…they will even lie under oath.

If you find yourself in such a nightmare with such a creature…
           GET OUT!!!  
And Stay Out….Each time you go back the abuse gets worse…such is the nature of an abuser.
They will try very hard to put you in the ‘friend’ category to use on an ‘as needed’ basis.
DO NOT DO IT…it’s a hell hole abuse trap.

Narcissists are addicts for attention and supply…they NEVER stop their desperate pathetic prowling…
It’s called Chasing the Dragon…
It NEVER ends.

3 things you are a 100% guaranteed after a relationshit with a Narcissist.

1. It’s a fuckall experience from hell.
2. You are just another ‘crazy’ ex in a long line of crazy exes… and counting.
3. Everything  that occurred was…ALL YOUR FAULT!!!

Trying to make sense out of nonsense…

Months of research and education on this Mental Disorder will save your sanity…and…bit by bit ALL the pieces of your nightmare will fall into place.
Researching a Mental Disorder was never on my Bucket list…
It’s now on my Fuckit list. 

Stick to your reality…
Stay grounded in your truth…
Find a therapist who is familiar with NPD.
You have the truth on your side and the abuse documented by a professional…there is NO room to distort reality.

I had to take a long hard look at myself. I stood paralyzed in shock and fear and watched this happen to me like it was happening to someone else…and did nothing to protect myself.
That won’t happen again…
Eyes wide open.
There are many resources, books and support forums available to help you with the recovery of being involved with an Emotional Abuser.
Just ask.

NPD label or not is irrelevant…
An Abuser is an Abuser.


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