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Codependency…..trying to find an outside solution to an internal problem.
People become codependent by their up bringing, by being in long term marriages…or being in controlling or dysfunctional relationships.
As children we are naturally codependent on our parents…but in an unhealthy parent child dynamic the parent is codependent on the child…for constant attention and validation.
These kind of children usually end up in dysfunctional codependent relationships as adults.

A codependent person will almost always attract predatory narcissists, energy drainers, users and abusers…people who will drain the life force out of the codependent person…its like taking candy from a baby.
These are one sided unbalanced relationships.

Such is the nature of this dynamic.
This dynamic will repeat and play out in most of the codependent persons relationships…whether it be a platonic, familial or intimate level…until the codependent person realizes the repetitiveness of the dynamic…and takes very painstaking steps to correct the problem.

The end is usually the same for most codependent persons…when they get targeted by a Narcissistically abusive person.
One is an extreme giver and the other an extreme taker.
A perfect match…made in Hell.

A Narcissist is the flip side of the same coin of a codependent person…they too are codependent on the energy and attention the codependent provides…once the energy is stifled (by their own misdeeds) they will move on to another codependent person…thus their cycle continues FOREVER.

Once realized, a Codependent person is able to reform…learn new coping skills and live an emotionally healthty life and engage with other emotionally healthty partners.
The Narcissist on the other hand is a Narcissist forever.
The very feature of the dysfunction that destroys their relationships is also the same feature that helps them survive **Their constant need for validation from outside of self**
They are trying to find an outside solution to an internal problem.

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