battle black blur board game

There are no winners or losers when people resort to playing mind games in relationships…just chaos and confusion…but there are always consequences.
People leverage manipulative mind games in relationships for control.
Most manipulators know what they are doing…it’s a tried and true technique.
Very few don’t realize they are doing it.
They use manipulation as their coping mechanism to ‘try’ to bring things under ‘control’.
It is who they are…it is how they operate.
They believe they cannot get the other person to ‘comply’ without manipulation.
Manipulative game players are out of control people who NEED to be in control.
Their mind and life are out of control and in chaos.
So they try to exert control over things in their surroundings…that includes YOU.
They exert negative strategies over people or situations to ‘keep’ them under control…but it has the opposite effect…it back fires after a certain point.
They will push their partners to play their game.
They will push their partners boundaries to push them away from them to make sure they come back.
They constantly ‘test’ their partners loyalty with negative strategies.
It’s the yo-yo effect…after awhile…the thread will snap.
It is a self defeating strategy.
It is a losing proposition…and dysfunctional and destructive.
Using negative impact is very harmful to the psyche.

Relationships don’t survive under duress…that is a foreign concept to a manipulator.

They are not at ease unless they feel in control…even if it is at the expense of others.
Setting clear boundaries for such people helps…sometimes…but not always.
Some times you have to remove yourself from the game and let them play by themselves…with themselves…or with others…they will ALWAYS find others.
Playing mind games…there are no winners or losers…but there are always consequences.

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