A huge part of this lesson for me…I had to learn to let go.
I attached myself to the good I saw in people and held onto it tooth and nail.
How could I let go of someone I loved?
THAT was not even a thought in my head…EVER!!!

That was the way I lived my entire life.
I was determined to hang on to their goodness…I refused to let go…till I got dragged through broken glass and left for dead…because I stayed too long in a toxic situation…because of the goodness I saw in this person…because I refused to let go of the wrong person…even when I knew I should have.

I was forced to learn the lesson of letting go…I had to let go of a lot of people, places, things, life long faulty beliefs.
Letting go is a process…set off by ONE event…that forces you to learn to let go.

The same persistence that kept me in those type of situations was the same persistence that helped my crawl out off the emotional quicksand I was drowning in.
You can’t struggle in quick sand…you go down quicker.
I had 100s of tiny invisible hands with their fingers up my nostrils…taking turns in keeping my head above the surface…unseen strangers…strangers on support forums…strangers sent to me to keep my head from sinking in that quicksand…begging me to stop struggling.

I had to let go of a lot of meaningless stuff and I held on to the things that brought some sense and meaning to my life.
People stay in your life because THEY want to be there…not because YOU want them to be there…THAT will be made very clear.

People who are meant to be in your life will always be there.
Redundant people release and let go by themselves…let them.
Wanting them in your life does not make them stay.

You can hang on to people’s positives…but don’t ignore the negatives…sometimes those outweigh the positives.
Love is not conditional.
Love is reciprocal.

EVERYONE is attracted to kind people but not EVERYONE deserves our kind.
I know a lot of good deserving people.
Not EVERYONE is deserving…
Not EVERYONE is a Narcissist.
Thanks to the last one who wore a neon green hat full of red flags…that I chose to ignore…I can recognize the red flags and I trust myself to protect myself.
Learn, discern, set boundaries…
Rinse and Repeat.
Lesson of a lifetime.
The Art of letting go…

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